Jacqueline Jax
5 min readDec 23, 2018


The Importance of an Email List
It’s The music marketing tool that every musician must master..

Those who strive for innovation and perfection in their work don’t look to be praised for the end result or awarded for greatness. Their purpose for sharing it with the world is to make a difference and effect lives in a more impactful way. That in itself is the ultimate reward.

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As I’m sure you already know, chasing awards is a shallow existence filled with empty compensations rarely received but chasing dreams and making visions become a reality is something that offers value to your life and others if you learn to share the journey.
Consistency is one of the most important things in building a brand and marketing it today.

Consistency builds trust, communication, and reflects in your success. In social media and brand building it’s important in so many ways because it allows people to learn about you and anticipate the delivery of your hard work.

Being consistent with your content, replying to comments, answering your emails, sending out newsletters, music releases, video releases, social media posts is what keeps you moving.. Every thing moves forward and benefits from being consistent.

Generating leads via email opt in pages is a crucial component of your marketing strategy. It’s an essential part of your marketing funnel, and the more effectively you do it, the more success you’ll have in your business.

What if I told you that you can create a level of urgency and intrigue that will have your target audience knocking down your website door to give you their email addresses?

It’s not that difficult to find your audience interest points. You just have to talk to them and then pay attention.

Try to find out what they like by crafting simple question and answer posts on your social media pages. Look through your comments and pay attention to which songs are speaking most to your audience. Look at the message, the production, all those little details to discover what is resonating with them.

Find out what they want to know most about you, what is a skill or song they most admire. What have they discovered is unique and interesting about you. You may already know that answer to the questions but if you don’t then your NOT spending enough time with the fans who want to support you.

How do you convince people to subscribe to an email list?

You give them some of those things that they like in exchange for their email. Your website opt in page has to promise that what they want most is just behind the door.

All they need is the key to unlock the door to your world and that happens by signing in.
First, don’t use the word subscribe. People loathe the word subscribe. Subscribe implies subscription which people associate with cost. Bad idea.

Second you need a solid bribe:

Start by asking:

•What do your potential customers need help with?

•What’s a huge problem they can’t crack or a hurdle (is it emotional or physical)? Could one of your upcoming singles help with that?

•What trick, tip, or insight is your audience missing? Do your followers sing? Are they musicians? Are they Moms, Teenagers, Dads, Hunters, what are their hobbies?

•What do they love to see from you? The making of the new music video? You in the studio recording? Maybe a short 3 minute live stream talking about how you created the song.

Good bribes always offer up:

•Secrets to solve a problem

•Insights into a part of your process that may be enlighten, cool to watch or helpful

•Resource Lists for things that your followers may enjoy. Maybe even your favorite photo filter app that you use on instagram if your popular there. Your top 5 playlists to take with you to workout, for weekends, to host your next dinner party….

•Step-by-Step Guides on how to create a home studio or how to write a song. How you created a great playlists for your next yoga workout. (include your songs)

•How you saved for a new piece of equipment and how your going to use it.

It’s going to depend on the kind of customer you have so make it your priority to get to know them and create groups that help your emails address them more personally.

Remember a curated list of 1000 super fans could make you 100,000 this year so spending time getting to know that small groups of people is powerful.

Once you are addressing them regularly, you’ll get the instant plays you need on your videos, you’ll be able to sell merchandise, you’ll be able to get referrals to more great customers and you’ll also get in tight with your own army of super fans that keeps growth happening..

Just think outside the box. Your have more to offer than just music. Your work fills a void in someones life, you just have to get to know who’s listening and give them what they need consistently.

I’ll show you how to do that moving forward with powerful examples and helpful templates right here on the insider.

The Email List

Signup for a mailing list provider:

Most are free while your list is small so you can get started at no cost. Reverbnation, Mailchimp, Constant Contact are all solid choices.

You will need a dedicated email for each account you have. I recommend using your own .com email created just for this purpose. It’s professional and more dependable than free email accounts like Gmail or Yahoo.

You’ll also want to segment your lists right from the start to keep your cost down and be able to categorize your top responders. How to do this is very simple. It’s just a short youtube video away.

Website: www.jacquelinejax.tv

Instagram: www.instagram.com/Jacquelinejax

Facebook: www.facebook.com/jacquelinejax



Jacqueline Jax

Radio Host @AVALIVERADIO ❤️ Journalist ❤️ Top Music writer on Medium- Top 5% music podcasts on Spotify. You’ll find inspiration here.