The Future of Influencer Marketing

Jacqueline Jax
5 min readMay 13, 2019

Is influencer marketing is on the rise or about to take a big fall?

With brands finally beginning to understand that algorithms on social platforms are mountains best left to the savvy influencers to climb, it looks like the rain of the social selfie isn’t over yet.

If you want to generate optimum campaign reach, resonance and credibility with todays savvy purchaser, you better get used to invest your advertising dollars in people with already established social followings.

But finding and working with the right influencers is not necessarily simple nor cheap as the noise from fake accounts starts to fall off the newsfeed and social savvy personalities start to understand the value they bring to the table.

What are the key elements, which can help brands find and connect with the right social media influencers to grow their business?

It all starts by identifying a brand’s key objective and understanding the problems they’re trying to solve. Most brand don’t know what they are trying to accomplish other than getting eyes on product and fall short of their goals because they haven’t selected the right audience for their product and pitch.

It’s also good to take a look at the stats behind an influencer to understand where their traffic is coming from as well as what the average engaged follower actually is interested in.

Sites such as HypeAuditor or Social Blade help to monitor things like follower demographics and audience health. Not only can these tools help spot fraudulent activity, they also ensure that a partnership will reach the right target audience.

I also think it’s important to monitor campaign activity daily. When I launch a music video promotion for an artist or promote a new single/ Album/ EP I make sure my team is monitoring the results daily. This optimizes the organic reach and allows us to make real time adjustments to content strategies per customer.

Not every campaign is going to perform the same so it’s crucial that you look at the many different elements that effect that campaign such as : quality of product, image, text and distribution platform. Every little variable becomes the deciding factor of how that information is being received by the person experiencing it and also in how the algorithm measures it’s authenticity.

If the social algorithm doesn’t see what it likes, the post is dead to the social world where it lies and that’s not good for us nor the customer. This is why you have to know how to optimize your content and each platform your posting on.

Will influencer marketing evolve beyond 2019?

The number one mistake brands are making with Influencers is not partnering long-term, and instead focusing on one-off promos. They try to spread themselves too thin instead of choosing the right voice and allowing the influencer to build through layers.

At AVA Live Radio, we try to encourage our clients to be consistent. We do’t want them launching once so we offer incentives for returning clients and packages that layer promotions over longer periods of time.

It’s really important for us to educate our clients and help them realize the value of activating longer-term strategies delivered consistently. It’s terrific for SEO, credibility, saturation and brand awareness. By consistently running promotions on one large platform that keeps acquiring new followers daily, the Artist or business client becomes a more powerful presence among a solid already established audience.

It’s much better for you to be a large voice in a small pond than a small voice in a crowded ocean. If every fish in the pond knows 500+ people who are listening to them, imagine how large that voice gets amplified once trust and brand identity is built.

Look at our 3 days reach stats on twitter for instance..

Over 3 days our tweets and retweets have reached 140,885 accounts but that was seen by over 2 million people. That’s heavy saturation for only 33 tweets and 57 retweets that we posted in 3 days.

Now look at my account as a personal influencer gaining from the AVA Live radio pond and establishing my own brand.

In one day my tweets reached 152,248 accounts and were viewed by 586,246 people most of who have at least 10k followers. (which could retweet my tweets and expand my growth exponentially)

And that’s just twitter. Now imagine how much reach all the platforms and accounts we have carefully nurtured are working together to push content and build credibility for our clients. (facebook, instagram, websites, tumblr, linkedin, youtube, and 14 different broadcasting channel.)

Any questions??

The face and voice of influence will continue to evolve as the years pass provided that the influencer stays loyal and on brand. They also have to stay on top of what platforms are best for them and how to utilize them. It’s a job and they must work hard daily to stay relevant.

The most influential voices are not always ‘celebrities’ either, in fact I listen to people who have focused their skills, message and become a brand delivering that one thing consistently well. Those tend to be the more trusted people with credibility and staying power. You learn about them and feel like you know them over time. They are like Nano-Influencers growing up on social media.

Social media has become our life and sharing life through it has become the way that we connect in this generation. It’s amazing and powerful for anyone with a phone and a story to tell.

Looking for more help?

Get on board with me at AVA Live Radio. If your an artist looking for help to establish and expand across the internet, start here:



Jacqueline Jax

Radio Host @AVALIVERADIO ❤️ Journalist ❤️ Top Music writer on Medium- Top 5% music podcasts on Spotify. You’ll find inspiration here.